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Picket is your one stop shop for investing in real estate.

Mortgage Calculator

Mortgage Calculator

Estimate monthly mortgage costs, including taxes, insurance, PMI, and extra payments, for confident planning.

Calculate Mortgage
BRRRR Calculator

BRRRR Calculator

Assess cash flow, total investment, and cash-on-cash return to maximize profits in BRRRR real estate investing.

Evaluate BRRRR
Fix and Flip Calculator

Fix and Flip Calculator

Forecast profits, ROI, and cash-on-cash returns for fix-and-flip projects to make informed financial decisions.

Calculate Fix & Flip
Rent vs Buy Calculator

Rent vs Buy Calculator

Compare long-term costs of buying vs. renting, considering property appreciation, rent increases, and other factors for an informed choice.

Compare Rent vs Buy
Real Estate Wholesaling Calculator

Real Estate Wholesaling Calculator

Estimate assignment fees, acquisition costs, and profit to decide if a wholesale deal is profitable.

Calculate Wholesaling
Rental Property Calculator

Rental Property Calculator

Analyze rental income, expenses, cash flow, and ROI to optimize your rental portfolio's performance.

Evaluate Rental Property
Depreciation Calculator

Depreciation Calculator

Calculate property depreciation over time to understand the tax benefits of owning a rental property and how it impacts your annual tax filings.

Calculate Depreciation
70% Rule Calculator

70% Rule Calculator

Assess fix-and-flip deals by calculating the max price to pay after repairs, ensuring profitability.

Apply 70% Rule

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