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How to use Picket to find your next real estate investment
On-Market Listings
In all markets where Picket has data coverage, you can browse and analyze active listings. While no account is required to view listings, creating an account or signing in is necessary if you want to modify analyses or leave notes.
Off-Market Properties
By default, you can access any property by searching for the address or zooming in on the map. Just like on-market listings, you can review and modify your analysis for off-market properties. While the product doesn’t currently support making offers on off-market properties directly, you can collaborate with a marketplace service pro to coordinate and execute any off-market transaction.
Custom Views
Use filters and customize columns to display the properties and data most relevant to you. Save these views as either a team view—allowing everyone in your account access—or a personal view, accessible only to you.
Advanced Users: Bulk Upload Data Tapes
For advanced users, speak to your account representative about enabling features that support bulk data tape uploads. Picket's AI will normalize the data, allowing you to analyze opportunities consistently across MLS listings, private portfolio sales, wholesaler contracts, new build data tapes, and more.
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